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Angus Outreach Seminars planned for Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska

The American Angus Association will continue a series of Outreach Seminars for the second year, in an effort to boost communication with members. The first series of Outreach Seminars is planned for early December in Osceola, Iowa; Aberdeen, S.D.; and Scottsbluff, Neb. Association staff will travel to these sites to provide updates on Association programs, including AngusSource and current performance program enhancements.

Visit www.angus.org/newsroom/releases/IA_SD_NE_Outreach.html to learn more.

For more information contact Shelia Stannard at (816) 383-5152 or sstannard@angus.org

by Shelia Stannard, director of activity communications and
event coordinator, American Angus Association

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